Leadership Philosophy · Vision

Why are Visions Important? Part 2 of 3

Last week we discussed how vision is develops a sense of unity within a group. And how that unity starts to form a viable common bond between team members. From here, the vision takes the group to a new level.   Vision creates direction. A leader without a vision is like man attempting to catch a… Continue reading Why are Visions Important? Part 2 of 3


Brand Development: Finding Similar Blogs

For my social media class, I had to choose five blogs and discuss how they help me develop my brand (and my blog). I chose the following five: http://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog http://sirkenrobinson.com/blog/ http://www.leadershipnow.com/leadingblog/index.html https://leadershipfreak.wordpress.com/ http://michealhyatt.com   I chose the blogs because their owners/writers are world renowned either for their unique ideas or their effectiveness as leaders or… Continue reading Brand Development: Finding Similar Blogs